Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Did He Say the M-word?

An Oklamhoma congressman wants to punish the DC Metro for allowing an ad that read, "Enjoy Better Sex. Legalize and Tax Marijuana." Rep. Ernest Isotook Jr. (R-OK) would like to knock off about $92,000 from Metro funding next year for Metro's promotion of "illegal activity."

Hmm, I didn't know legalization or taxation was illegal.

Snide comments aside, Metro, a government entity, cannot censor or reject a message simply because it's controversial. In this case, Metro didn't charge anything for the ad because of its policy of providing free space to nonprofit groups for public service announcements. Perhaps that policy should be changed. But if Isotook gets his way, Metro's removal of the ad could cost thousands of dollars in litigation once the ACLU rightfully charges Metro with a violation of the First Amendment. No taxpayer should have to subsidize the frivolous sensitivities of a congressman or anyone for that matter. While the government doesn't need to give space away, it absolutely cannot prohibit free speech --even if it's to promote better sex.

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